Postawowe sample pochodzą z piosenki Impatient.
I nie jest to plagiat!
will.i.m był po prostu producentem piosenki, którą zaśpiewał duet Estelle / Kanye West 🙂
Więcej możecie przeczytać na Wikipedii: >>It was […] recorded over the instrumental of his song “Impatient”<<
Estelle explained how the song came to fruition: “We were just messing about in the studio, joking around. And John (Legend) just said to me ‘Why don’t you write a song about meeting an American boy?’. So I was like ‘Well, that’s pretty easy’ – because I have a lot of male friends out there in New York. And I unwittingly ended up creating a new ladies’ anthem!”
She also spoke about West’s involvement on the song, commenting “Kanye basically just his own cheeky self to the track, his own sense of humour. At first he was like ‘How can you rap over a dance beat?’ – and now he’s DONE it!”